Friends of Dallington Village is a group of like-minded people who want to promote village life within the Dallington conservation area.
We take pride in our village, looking after the area, planting flowers, maintaining the green spaces and many other activities that benefit the local community.
In the last few months, we have planted hundreds of daffodils around the area ready for this spring, built new flower beds and restored existing green spaces like Dallington Haven and Dallington Green.
Friends of Dallington Village has also recently installed The Memorial Bench in Dallington Green, which has been kindly funded by Northampton Council and handmade by local artisan.
During the recent flooding, which sadly impacted several houses by the brook, Friends of Dallington Village has played an active role, supporting and raising funding for the people mostly affected.
Many other activities are also taking place monthly, like the litter picking to keep the village nice and clean, meetings with local residents and much more.
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